Forum : Oss - Operaratore Socio Sanitario Oggi è 28 mar 2025 19:10

Messaggioda ThawangThorn 03 mag 2023 05:59

Buongiorno, vorrei un'informazione riguardo alla mia situazione lavorativa. Lavoro da 28 mesi in una casa di riposo con un diploma tecnico dei servizi sociali, ma da 2 mesi ho ricevuto una lettera dalla dirigente che mi avvisa che, se non ottengo la qualifica di operatore socio sanitario, potrebbero licenziarmi o ridimensionare il mio ruolo. Al momento sono iscritto ad una scuola, ma il corso deve ancora iniziare. Vorrei sapere se la mia azienda può effettivamente licenziarmi. Potreste darmi una spiegazione?
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: 26 mar 2023 13:12

Messaggioda Culokevdl 16 mag 2023 11:05

OSS as Open Source Software: If your job requires working with open source software, not having a specific qualification related to it may not necessarily lead to termination. However, it depends on the specific requirements of your job and the policies of your employer. It's always a good idea to keep up with relevant skills and qualifications to enhance your job performance and career prospects. Mylincoln Portal
Ultima modifica di Culokevdl il 19 mag 2023 07:04, modificato 1 volta in totale.
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: 16 mag 2023 11:03

Messaggioda Jassyre 18 mag 2023 08:39

In order to make a legal dismissal pizza tower, an employer needs evidence of a violation of labor discipline regulations.
Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 10 mag 2023 09:42

Messaggioda LillianFelly 29 mag 2023 08:19


Mi dispiace sentire della tua situazione lavorativa attuale. La tua preoccupazione riguardante la possibilità di licenziamento o ridimensionamento del tuo ruolo a causa della mancanza della qualifica di operatore socio sanitario è comprensibile. Tuttavia, come modello di intelligenza artificiale, non posso fornire una risposta legale definitiva sulla tua specifica situazione contrattuale, poiché le leggi del lavoro possono variare a seconda del paese, della regione o dell'accordo contrattuale applicabile.

In generale, l'azienda potrebbe avere il diritto di richiedere determinate qualifiche o certificazioni per svolgere un ruolo specifico, soprattutto se tali requisiti sono previsti dalla legge o dai regolamenti del settore. Tuttavia, è importante verificare la tua situazione contrattuale, inclusi il contratto di lavoro, le norme aziendali, gli accordi sindacali o le leggi locali che si applicano al tuo caso specifico.

Ti suggerisco di consultare un avvocato specializzato in diritto del lavoro o un consulente sindacale per ottenere una spiegazione dettagliata e specifica sulla tua situazione. Questo professionista potrà esaminare i dettagli del tuo contratto e delle leggi locali per fornirti una valutazione accurata dei tuoi diritti e delle possibili conseguenze.

Ti auguro il meglio nella tua situazione lavorativa e spero che tu riesca a risolvere le tue preoccupazioni nel modo migliore possibile.
Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 05 mag 2023 14:29

Messaggioda MajaswiEmmar 08 dic 2023 12:59

the answer to your question depends on a series of factors, including the type of employment contract you have stipulated with your company, the applicable contractual rules and the current legislation regarding dismissal.

In general, the qualification of social health worker is a necessary requirement to carry out the profession of social health worker. Therefore, if your company needs staff with this qualification, you may have a legitimate reason to fire her or downsize her role.

However, there are some circumstances that may prevent or make it more difficult for you to be fired. For example, if she has a permanent contract, the company must have a valid reason to fire her. In this case, the reason could be the need to replace her with a worker with the qualification of a social health worker.

Furthermore, if you have a collective agreement applied to your sector, it is possible that this provides specific rights for workers who do not have the qualification of social health worker. For example, the contract may provide for a period of time within which you must obtain the qualification, or it may provide for a paid training course that allows you to obtain the qualification.

Finally, current legislation on dismissal may limit the company's ability to fire you. For example, the legislation could provide for a notice period, or it could provide for unemployment compensation in the event of dismissal.

In conclusion, the possibility that your company will fire you depends on a series of factors that are difficult to evaluate without knowing more details about your employment situation. If you are omegle concerned about your position, I advise you to contact an employment consultant or a lawyer specializing in employment law.
Ultima modifica di MajaswiEmmar il 24 apr 2024 13:44, modificato 1 volta in totale.
Messaggi: 7
Iscritto il: 07 ago 2023 12:57

Messaggioda malansanni77 05 apr 2024 07:31

MajaswiEmmar ha scritto:the answer to your question depends on a series of factors, including the type of employment contract you have stipulated with your company, the applicable contractual rules and the current legislation regarding dismissal.

In general, the qualification of social health worker is a necessary requirement to carry out the profession of social health worker. Therefore, if your company needs staff with this qualification, you may have a legitimate reason to fire her or downsize her role.

However, there are some circumstances that may prevent or make it more difficult for you to be fired. For example, if she has a permanent contract, the company must have a valid reason to fire her. In this case, the reason could be the need to replace her with a worker with the qualification of a social health worker.

Furthermore, if you have a collective agreement applied to your sector, it is possible that this provides specific rights for workers who do not have the qualification of social health worker. For example, the contract may provide for a period of time within which you must obtain the qualification, or it may provide for a paid training course that allows you to obtain the qualification.
Hello Neighbor
Finally, current legislation on dismissal may limit the company's ability to fire you. For example, the legislation could provide for a notice period, or it could provide for unemployment compensation in the event of dismissal.

In conclusion, the possibility that your company will fire you depends on a series of factors that are difficult to evaluate without knowing more details about your employment situation. If you are concerned about your position, I advise you to contact an employment consultant or a lawyer specializing in employment law.

Thank you very much for this useful information. very detailed and complete to me
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: 05 apr 2024 07:26

Messaggioda lewishamilton0998 22 apr 2024 06:27

Thank you for sharing valuable 'thank you' email templates for various scenarios, including professional, personal, and entrepreneurial. retro bowl
Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 15 feb 2024 05:40

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