Forum : Concorsi & Lavoro Infermieri Oggi è 18 lug 2024 06:03

Messaggioda sophiajoy 22 giu 2024 08:30

Hello everyone,

Graduated and based in Northern California, I have been job hunting with no offers yet, even after expanding my search to Redding, Lodi, Clearlake, and Ukiah. Any new grads in these areas land a job quickly?

Facing loan payments in 2.5 months, I'm feeling the pressure. My only offer is at a plasma center in Eastmont Oakland, but safety concerns linger. I'm aiming for a bedside position to move towards becoming an ER nurse. Would appreciate any insights or advice.
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: 22 giu 2024 08:18

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